Be Prepared.
There is always a particular time in life... Or let me say there are times in life, one would feel like everything coming through for you when you wish it, going according to your set plan. And when things are not going according to plan, you complain, ask questions(directed at no one in particular) or even breakdown or better still, try to boycott life itself.
I have come to understand that, life is not always interesting when we get all we want at same time without tasks or challenges; Because the challenges or tasks that comes with getting our needs or wants is what shapes our persons into becoming better and for some, bad(which depends on your choice). And when we try to boycott life, it hits us harder than before.
Well, it is not our duty as humans to plan our lives but we have the Grace to shape it(our lives) to the way we want it to be. Life( your finances, relationship, sociality, spirituality, etc) will not always be the way we wish it magically, it will sometimes be rosy(hoping to be the most) and sometimes the other way round.
But whichever way life hits you, prepare your mind, don't stop believing & hoping for the best, don't stop trying to be the best you can be and do not let it(life) break you.
Lots of love from Bhighearts😘😘
Sorry for being away for long
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